Pressure loss calculation  

Pressure loss calculation

in a straight pipe

Calculation of Pressure loss:
  1. Enter volume flow.
  2. Enter density and dynamic viscosity.
  3. Enter inner diameter and pipe walls roughness.
  4. Enter pipe length.
Pressure loss will be calculated for constant density. Pressure loss decreases quadratically with the diameter. Doubling the diameter will drop pressure loss to 25% of the initial value. Calculation distinguishes between laminar flow (Re < 2320) und turbulent flow (Re > 2320). Since laminar flow can be observed up to Re=8000 pressure loss may be overestimated in the transition zone.

Pressure loss [bar/10m]
Values for water at ambient temperature
(1000 kg/m³, 1 mPas, k=0.1 mm)
5 m³/h 10 m³/h 20 m³/h 40 m³/h
DN25 (d=28mm) 0.267 1.033 4.076 16.13
DN50 (d=55mm) 0.009 0.032 0.121 0.470
DN100 (d=108mm) < 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.015

Means of Calculation Steel Pipe Plastic pipe
Fluid Temperature ºC
Volume flow* m³/h
Density* kg/m³ Dyn. Viscosity (Newton) mPas
Internal Diameter  d * mm Roughness  k * mm
Pipe length* m

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