Flow coefficient
Δ p, , ρ | :
Pressure loss, Volume flow and Density of component´s point of operation |
Δ po, o, ρo | :
Pressure loss, Volume flow and Density of component´s reference point of operation |
The valve manufacturer Mason-Neilan (MA, USA) introduced in the 1940s
the flow coefficient cv . In the 1950s cv
was introduced as kv
-value (kvs-value for rated travel) in the metric system [Früh 1957].
The flow coefficients cv and kv describe a valve´s reference point of operation
. The reference fluid
is water (ρo = density of water
at 15,6 ºC) [VDI/VDE 2173-2007 page 8].
kv | : o = kv [m³/h] | @ Δpo = 1 [bar] |
| |
cv,us | : o = cv,us [USgal/min] | @ Δpo = 1 [psi] |
| ≡ | |
o[m³/h] = 0.2271 cv,us [USgal/min] | @ Δpo = 0.0689 [bar] |
cv,uk | : o = cv,uk [UKgal/min] | @ Δpo = 1 [psi] |
| ≡ | |
o[m³/h] = 0.2728 cv,uk [UKgal/min] | @ Δpo = 0.0689 [bar] |
Putting equation (1) to

we obtain the correlation between k
v and c
v (ρ/ρ
Equation (1) is derived from equation (2). Equation (2) is derived from the equation of Darcy-Weisbach
K |
: Dimensionless resistance coefficient (friction factor) of the component.
K is assumed to be constant. |
v | : Average speed in the characteristic cross section |
A | : Characteristic cross section |
d | : Inner diameter of the characteristic cross section. For valves as a general rule the
characteristic diameter equals the nominal diameter DN. |
The resistance coefficient K is assumed to be constant. This assumption
is correct for completely turbulent flow. In many other cases the inaccuracy is acceptable.
Putting equation (3) to K and with A = π/4 d2 the correlation between
resistance coefficient K and flow coefficient kv becomes equation (5):
By lowering the pressure behind a valve the volume flow can´t rise without limits. Pressures
below the vapour pressure lead to cavitation. The noise level rises and at maximum cavitation
we face choked flow. According to
[VDI/VDE 2173-2007 page 10] we can note for
control valves:
p1: Absolute pressure at the inlet
pv: Vapour pressure
pc: Critical pressure (Water: pc=221,2 bar)
Ball valve | : FL= 0.5-0.7 |
Butterfly valve (aperture angle 60-70º) | : FL= 0.55-0.75 |
Low-noise control valve | : FL= 0.88-0.98 |
More detailed information (including not turbulent flow) can be found in
[DIN EN 60534 2012].
[DIN EN 60534 2012] DIN EN 60534-2-1: Stellventile für die
Prozessregelung, Beuth-Verlag Berlin, Januar 2012 |
[Früh 1957] K.F.Früh: Berechnung des Durchflusses in
Regelventilen mit Hilfe des kv-Koeffizienten, Regelungstechnik Heft 9;
5. Jahrgang 1957 |
[VDI/VDE 2173-2007] VDI/VDE 2173: Stömungstechnische Kenngrössen
von Stellventilen und deren Bestimmung, Beuth-Verlag Berlin, September 2007 |