Wet Bulb Temperature  

Calculation of wet bulb temperature

Calculation of Wet Bulb Temperature

  1. Enter air temperature.
  2. Enter relative humidity.
Air reaches Wet Bulb Temperature when all the energy required to get saturated with steam is provided by the air itself. Thereby air cools down. This effect is used in wet cooling towers. Water can be cooled down below ambient temperature by not saturated ambient air. Wet Bulb Temperature is a benchmark for wet cooling towers.
Wet Bulb Temperature = f (Temperature, relative humidity)
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
10°C <1°C 3°C 5.5°C 7.8°C 10°C
20°C 5.7°C 10°C 13.7°C 17°C 20°C
30°C 10.4°C 16.8°C 22.0°C 26.3°C 30°C
40°C 14.4°C 23.5°C 30.3°C 35.6°C 40°C

Means of Calculation
Ambient temperature ºC
relative humidity %

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