Pressure loss Pump Curve  

System curve and pump curve
Pump Curve 5

Define your pump curve in 5 steps
  1. Upload your pump curve as .txt file if you saved it in the past from TECCINESS.
  2. Enter title and medium. Choose between turbo-machine (centrifugal pump) and positive displacement pump.
  3. Enter flow, head and power (optional) for at least two points of the pump curve. For positive displacement pumps often 2 points are sufficient since the pump curve can be nicely approached by a straight line.
  4. If the pump is run with a variable frequency drive up to 3 frequencies can be evaluated. Pumps an series and in parallel can be simulated.
  5. Save your data.

Upload your pump curve  

Characteristic´s name   Density kg/m³

Machine type  

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >  where known and relevant (centrifugal pump) < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < 
Internal Diameter    Suction side mm       Pressure side mm          

Means of Calculation
Volume flow Discharge Head or
Differential pressure
Power Approximation
[m³/h] [kW]
2. y=cx+d
3. y=bx²+cx+d
4. y=ax³+bx²+cx+d

 One pump, evaluate at speed ratios   n1/n0=1, n2/n0 =    n3/n0 =
 2 Pumps in parallel  2 Pumps in series
 3 Pumps in parallel
 4 Pumps in parallel
 5 Pumps in parallel

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